Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009

I can not believe how fast the time flies....
As of this date we have finished "The Way Of Agape" at Thursday Bible Study, This book has profoundly effected each of us, well me personally. Thank YOU JESUS!
Last week we began a new Study called "Secrets of the Secret Place. Keys to Igniting Your Personal Time with God" by Bob Sorge So far we have read in Chapter 1 "The Secret of Saying "YES". The author says he us "absolutely convinced the power of heaven is unlocked on earth when we devote ourselves to the secret place of the Most High." (Psalm 91) He implores us to say YES to a daily fervent pursuit of Jesus in the Secret Place. We are encouraged to go to that secret place for renewal and refreshing, not the television. "Even attending a church service in the hope that the preacher's walk with God will infuse us with fresh energy for the journey." Sermons and teaching will edify us but they can never replace the carrying power we find when we sit at His feet and hear His word for ourselves" the author goes on to day that when we learn to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, we are positioning ourselves to discover the key to true kingdom fruitfulness! (page 5)
When you have spent time with the Most High, He will speak to you in a personal way that will be exactly what you need... not what you want mind you BUT He will grow you and bring you to exactly the place He wants you. The Scripture that I continue to get over and over is Prov 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight"NIV

1 comment:

diane said...

love it ! thanks for putting up the link