Sunday, December 17, 2006

One Week to Christmas!

Hello My Dear Sisters!,
I want to take just a second to wish everyone reading this the Merriest Christmas and a Blessed New Year, God has been more than good to me this year and I am truly thankful, I just wish It hasn't gone so fast. I am truly looking forward to the coming year. Last year at this time I felt HOPE, it was good because I hadn't felt it in awhile, It has been a good year for me and my family, God has done so very much in us, now don't get me wrong, Life didn't just instantly "improve", It actually got worse before it got better BUT GOD never dropped me off in the middle of no where, His grace was more than sufficient and His wisdom lead me through. If you are having struggles in your life, in your marriage, in your finances, in your day to day stuff let me just encourage you to totally lean on, rely in and Trust The LORD! If you need wisdom, ask Him for it, he is faithful to teach you whatever it is you need to know. God has given us the most valuable gift we will ever receive...LOVE. Remember, when it comes to eternity LOVE is the only thing that really matters. If we Love HIM, That we Love HIM, How we Love each other and That we Love each other. LOVE is what we leave this world with, not money or even family but LOVE!

Please mark your calenders for January 7, 2007 10:00 am for our Women's Ministry meeting, Julia Jason will be sharing some good stuff about weight loss, Julia has lost over 100 pounds and is a walking testimony of what God can give you grace to do. Please show your support and come on out. You are greatly missed when you are not there.

There is still time to donate to the Women's Ministry "Special Project" our family in need, Please call me if you are interested, but please hurry, we want to bless them this week.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Well Dear Sisters it is my hope to be able to keep this blog more current, I have had Internet issues, but I think I am done with that. We use to have our Internet through satellite, but now we have DSL and I have to say so far I am so happy with it, It is so fast compared to what we were dealing with !!!
I just want to mention that collections are still being received for our family in need, If you want to give please see me or you can see Pastor Bill. Sunday is the deadline. I have to go make dinner but I will be back again soon.
Love you all.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Saturday Morning

Dear Sisters,
I just want to take a moment to thank each of you that came out this morning. I greatly appreciate it. Not only that but I want you to know how your presence effects our gatherings. Thank You, you are a blessing to me and I love you all very much.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What a Week!

I have not been able to get online for the past week, which really was the pits because I enjoy posting on this blog, I hope all who are reading this had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now it is officially the Christmas season!! I love it! I am so excited about what God is doing in the lives of my dear sisters and our families. I would like to ask a thought provoking question...When the "storms" of life are raging do you ask "Why God Why?" or do you ask "What is the lesson you have for me to learn?" I have been guilty of asking God, WHY? I never really got a clear answer! (go figure!) But when, in the very midst of the storm I asked God about the lesson HE had for me to learn, something changed...oh the storm didn't suddenly stop and the sun started to shine, No, in fact I think it was more like someone wrapped me in a good rain coat, gave me rain boots and an umbrella and NEVER once have I been lost in the storm. No one said being a follower of Christ was going to be easy, we all know that...right? But God has his plan and we simply have to TRUST. Remember our ways are not HIS ways and our thoughts are not HIS thoughts. No Matter what "storm" is raging around you God is in control.
I hope to see you on Saturday morning for our Christmas Tea of Friendship, 10am to 12pm. see you there

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Women Unite

Dear Sisters, It has come to my attention that there is a family in our body who as Christmas is quickly approaching has need. As the Women's Ministry Coordinator I think we could take this as a "Special Project" and bless this family. Let me remind you, you will not know who this family is in order to respect their privacy BUT we want to be a blessing, it is also my intention to give in secret, we don't want to pat ourselves on the back. They serve us in church over and over and over. Jesus said "it is more blessed to give than to receive" ANYTHING you can do will be helpful. We would like to take the next 2 weeks to collect for them and then give them time to prepare for their Christmas celebration. Please be prayerful about this. All my love to you. Kathy

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Favorite Topic

The Love of God. I the book of Epesians chapter 1 it says that before God laid the foundation of the world, He had us in mind, Us, as the focus of HIS love to be made whole and holy by His Love. Because of the great love God has for us, He cleansed us by the blood of Jesus, making us holy by His Grace. We CAN NOT earn His forgivess or become holy through our works. It is by grace through faith in Jesus that we are made righteous. However, God has created us to do good works, things He prepared us in advance for us to do. So what does this mean in practical terms? Well I think first we have to accept the fact that God Loved us so much that HE GAVE His only begotten/ conceived SON that those who believe that would not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (Kathy's Paraphase) What I have learned in my walk with the Lord is that we must receive His Love, let it fill you to overflowing and then let it flow out to others, abundantly... to everyone, not just our friends or our family but to the unloveable, the poor, the weak, you get the idea. Remember, we come into this world with no material possesions and we leave this world with no material possesions BUT what we DO take with us is LOVE, It matters how we love each other. God Is love. Love covers a multitude of sin.
John 3:16, John 15:13, 1 Peter 3:18, 1 John 3:16

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Christmas Tea of Friendship

Welcome Sisters!
I hope you are all blessed beyond measure! Just wanted to remind you all of our December 2nd. Women's Ministries meeting at 10:00am. We are going to celebrate our Savior with a Tea of Friendship. Tell me what you think of throwing in a gift swap?? you know... a small gift, wrapped with NO NAMES, yankee style? Also ladies if you could just leave a comment to tell me if you will be attending and please bring a friend!